Passage Making from Seattle to San Diego

September 2nd – Amongst much low-lying fog, but sun on our heads, we sailed past the coast of WA lickety split because we had plenty of wind. Even the coast of Oregon seemed to zoom by since we had good wind.

September 4th – We fell into a routine for our passage making from Seattle to San Diego.  Night shifts consisted of 3 hour stretches between myself, Seth and Dave. Continue reading “Passage Making from Seattle to San Diego”

Leaving Seattle

September 1st – Bittersweet (sunny and beautiful morning as we waved good-bye to Seattle) departure from Elliott Bay Seattle after fueling and stowing like crazy the day before.  My cousin Seth came with us for the passage.  Even the Straits of Juan de Fuca were kind to us – smooth as glass as we went out.  We shared the Straits with the Stenis aircraft carrier, a cruise ship fully decked out and disco music going and S/V Manna (Curtis and Julie Denmark) who we happened to berth with at Chula Vista Marina and become fast friends.