September 10th – Early morning we rounded Point Loma heading into San Diego bay. Sun intensity was low in the early morning, but increasingly warmed our backs as we chugged South to Chula Vista Marina. Driving past all the navy ships confirmed for me that our country’s naval force is massive. The huge, hulking ships were impressive in size and capabilities. Don’t mess with the US Navy! They’re like whole cities in and of themselves.
Happy arrival, happy crew!! The early-bird, chatty, live-aboards wanted to get all our info as we were docking, coming in. Thank goodness for one nice guy who hopped off, came round and helped with lines instead of trying to ask us a gazillion questions as we landed, with no reverse! Darn engine.
The cleaning and stowing began. Not used to the heat, we sweated and panted our way through the day of chores. By evening, when all settled down and was quiet in the marina, kids in bed, we heard as strange crackling on our boat. Thought our fiberglass hull was cracking apart. Dave and I spent 20 minutes listening in several nooks and crannies on the boat. Then he had a brilliant idea: get off the boat and check around other boats. Listening carefully near the hull of a neighboring boat, we realized we weren’t the only ones. After a quick search online, we discovered the noises were simply the friendly shrimp with their electric barbs zapping in the water. Phew!