Tonga to NZ – Update 1

October 13 – Despite not being there, I’m watching closely Dave’s progress to New Zealand.  This can be a challenging passage, but I’m confident Dave and his trusty crew will do just fine.  Weather is looking good and like it will cooperate.

Here’s their first update:

We left Nuku’Alofa at 11 am and are headed towards N Minerva. Wind was light 8-13 and varying from N to E. Currently we are seeing 11 kts from 75 degrees.

Position 22 01.970. 176 42.982
155 nm from N Minerva
Making 6.5 with motor to reach reef Sunday morning

With latest forecast we may make a lunch stop at Minerva and keep going.

Sea state has settled down and crew is sleeping well. We had the pole out, fixed a bent furler spool the anchor had bent, unjammed the main vertical batten withough going aloft, and sadly lost our fish line due to my butter fingers.

Water & batteries are topped up which is also nice.
