Melaque and the missing scooter

Today started with each member of the family individually coming into my cabin to wake up Violet and I, and without fail each one mentioned the terrible stink wafting out as they opened the door. I looked at Violet in confusion, but later discovered that the terrible smell was the head leaking gas from the black water tanks. The bed was then torn apart and left to air out for the rest of the day. It didn’t do any good. Although I was sitting in the salon with a fan pointed at me, I could feel the heat climbing from 82 to 84 then hit 86 and I finally gave up. I got up and left the boat with my laptop and piano books and headed for the air-conditioned lobby to play the piano and work on my science. After playing piano, I headed back to the boat, and when we arrived at the location were Kyra had left her scooter before going up the lobby, and it was gone. Someone had taken her scooter. We looked around for it and finally decided that we needed to meet Violet’s family in town, so we put up three signs around the hotel in hopes to find the missing scooter. We went to town and got on a very unreliable bus with holes in the floor, and the seats falling through the floor, if you could call it that. The bouncy bus took us to Melaque a town on the other side of the bay. We got ice cream that was appalling, then continued down the road and looking in swimsuit shops. Violet and I got our second matching swimsuits. We got the same bottoms and tops with black “stringy” backs and when we returned to the marina just as the sun was setting we went up to the pool for a quick night swim. Then had a calm night just hanging out.

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