Summary: Another day of shifty windy and sail adjustments. Direct distance covered was less than total distance travelled because of this and we still couldn’t find a comfortable point of sail.
Position: 08 59.73 S 120 28.58 W at 12:00 UTC-7
COG: 246 degrees m
Distance: 171 nm (24 hr), 2,224 nm total (160 VMG)
Average Speed : 7.125 kts (24 hr)
Distance to go to Hiva Oa: 940 nm
Sure enough, yesterday afternoon the wind clocked back around to 90 degrees, straight behind us. We tried different configurations again and ended up on a more comfortable port reach at closer to 240 degrees at the expense of VMG. We went back to the rolly direct heading with only the main out last night but it was not very comfortable again. This morning we tried a starboard tack at 280 degrees, which was stable enough to charge batteries and make cornbread for tonight’s chili dinner. We were eager to get back on a direct route again, so we are running with a polled out genoa again on the rhumb line. The main kept getting flapped about by the wave action so we had to pull it in. It looks like the rest of the passage is going to be rolly and slower unfortunately.
The crew is very tired because it is impossible to sleep well for a decent period of time before being woken up by the boat motion and noise. We are counting down the days to our arrival.
Wildlife Sightings: the usual flying fish and occasional bird, no fish caught
On long river trips we sometimes have a dress-up night. How about an “Elvis night?” (assuming not too rolly polly) Cheers you’re getting close!!
Hang in there guys!! You are doing great!! We love reading your updates!! Sending you calmer seas and fairer winds!! Love Greta et al!